Saturday, December 13, 2008

Possible Alternative Therapy to Help

Dear Eric and Belinda and Family:
A possible alternative therapy to help your son is to get a therapy started by a medical doctor of oncology from Italy - he still resides there and still performs this therapy apparently with great success for people with cancers ... if caught in time. This Italian medical doctor is Dr. Simoncini. For a doctor in the United States that does the therapy, try Dr. John Gonino in Heath, Texas (the Dallas, Texas area) - he is an osteopathic doctor, though (I do not know if you would mind that). I found out about these doctors on a television program I watch on my Christian and Family television service "Sky Angel" (see This program is on several of the stations of this service including the Liberty Channel (of Jerry Falwell [sp.?] fame and Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia). The program is called "Know the Cause with Doug Kaufmann" (see The "Know the Cause" website has each week's five programs on there to view 24 hours a day. It also has the archived programs of Dr. Simoncini to view as well. This way you can see if you all are interested or not. I do not know if you plan to bring him to the United States in his current condition or what, but going to Dr. Simoncini in Italy would be closer right now, otherwise Dr. John Gonino. If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact me. I have prayed today for your son and his health and will continue to have him in my prayers. I am a member of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas. I heard about your son's situation from a fellow Sunday School classmate named Linda Sims (a missionary with E3Partners). God is with you all!
Sincerely, in Christ Jesus,
Karen Shaw